sammy kibet kirwa
General Information
- Language English
- Highest Degree Level A level
- Total Year Experience Ten Years experience
- Job Category Driver, Hospitality Staff, Operators, Transportation
- Expected Job Level Mid-level
- CV Upload CV-Sammie.docx
Passport Photo
- Travelers Passport Scan Passport-Bio-data.pdf
Sammy Kibet Kirwa
Address: 63-30304 KAPCHENO | City: NAIROBI 254 | Phone: 0707301042 |
Email: Sammy.kibet@gmx.com
06st Sep, 2018
HR Silver ray,
Dear Sir,
As a highly versatile Operations Manager and dealing with Ground operations. I am seeking a challenging position to contribute excellent, technical proficiency and management expertise towards smooth operations within any areas on job placement that my ability can be utilized.
I have been attached with different Airline experiences in South Sudan-JUBA attached with DFS Middle East and also in Somaliland-HARGEISA with GHA-NASHA.
I hope that you will consider my request, give me an appointment and guide me on the correct channel should there be any chance. Looking forward to get a favorable response from you.
Thank you,
Yours Sincerely,
Sammy Kibet Kirwa.