General Information
- Address PDF
- Slogan ITHAGU
- Language ENGILISH
- Highest Degree Level DIPLOMA
- Total Year Experience 20
- Job Category Driver, Electricians, Others, Technicians, Warehouse Staffs
- CV Upload Profile.pdf
Passport Photo
- Travelers Passport Scan 128_PASSPORT.pdf
Work Experience
• Trouble shoots all Auto Electrical faults and order / request thernappropriate spare parts required to rectify the problem.
• Trouble shoots AC Faults and leakages in the vehicle and orders thernappropriate spare parts to solve the fault.rn
• Install Carlog, program, calibrate and reset all vehicles Carlog nextrnmaintenance after the service as well as trouble shoot downloadingrnproblems.rn
• Outsourcing vehicle spare parts from different venders as well asrnoutsourcing of Body works of our accident Vehicles to differentrnvender's hence inspecting them for quality standards as well asrnmissing items during and after repair works.rn
• Make sure parts collected from stores are collectively fitted to avoidrnrepetition of faults and check Quality of work to meet UN standards /rnManufacturers standards.rn
• Follow up jobs that I assigned to Technician/Mechanics, identifyrnpriority activities, adjust priorities as required and allocaternappropriate amount of time and resources for completion of work.
• Work collaboratively with colleagues/supervisor to achievernorganizational goals and solicit input by genuinely valuing othersrnideas and expertise.rn
• Enter internal and external Labor in Galileo and counter check thernspare parts added in the work order matches with issued once fromrnstores and the parts fitted on the vehicle fleet in case of audit.rn
• Training Local staffs in Carlog installation, programming, Faultyrnfinding and teach them how to solve fault in order to perfect actualrnCarlog reporting.rn
• Ensure that all relevant safety procedures are followed whenrnrepairing and fitting/replacing of parts.rn• Diagnosing problems with major electrical of our Vehicle fleetrnincluding the Battery, Ignition, electrical fuel injection systems, Antilock Brakes, cruise control, fixture and General wiring.rn
• Listen to complaints by the clients, diagnosis vehicle electricalrnproblems and isolating the specific malfunction.rn
• Coordinate all workshop activities/Mechanics time to time when thernneed arises as instructed by my supervisor.rn
• Prepare daily workshop activity and send updates to my supervisorrndaily basis as well prepare VOR on weekly basis.
• Conduct Technical survey and give information required forrninstallations of Carlogs / Fuellogs both off line (RF) and onlinern(GSM / GPRS) as well as Smartlogs especially on the new models ofrnvehicles, spear head commissioning of our systems afterrninstallation on to the client.rn
• Company Representative in Kampala Uganda to our Group ofrnCompany Hertz Rent a Car handling all Technical issues on to theirrnFleet management systems as well as marketing personnel in therncountry.rn
• Install Fleet management Systems to their newly acquired Clientelernas well as maintenance and commission these systems to thernclients.rn
• Holder of a clean and varied Driving licenses class B C E with anrnexperience of over ten years driving.
• Installed, calibrated, programmed and maintained / repairedrnCarlogs in East and Western side of the berm as well as fleetrnmanagement hardware’s.rn
• Handled and trouble shorted all Auto electrical faults and repairrnthem timely especially all the backlog that has been causing breakrndown to our fleet vehicles.rn
• Receiving vehicles and inspecting them for body damages, missingrnaccessories, open work orders etc. prior to service and repair of thernvehicle hence ensure maintenance cards are updated uponrncompletion of routine service.rn
• Request for the appropriate spare parts for the repair and servicernof the vehicles.
• Successively done engine sound troubleshooting and repair thernfault/problem as per the UN recommendations / manufacturer’srnstandards.rn
• Gone various team sites to check Carlog parameters, trouble shootrnfaults and rectify them to perfect the outcome of the report torncounter check with the actual vehicle / driver performances as wellrnas checking the position of our base station software in conjunctionrnwith geographical changes in the region.
• Widen my experience by working together with our staff mechanicsrnin ambition to expand my carrier in vehicle mechanical operationrnand repair aspect.rn
• Understood wheel balancing in terms of width and diameter plusrnthe weight to encrypt on the ream to balance it.rn
• Done a number of major and minor services in partnership withrnother mechanics and reset Carlogs upon completion of routinernservice for the next maintenance.rn
• Done any other duty assigned to me by my supervisors especially inrnheavy commercial vehicles concerning Auto electrical, airrnconditioning system repair and reset there Carlogs for the nextrnmaintenance due.rn
• Repairing and servicing battery chargers, stator motors andrnalternators when the need arises from various team sites andrnadvising my supervisors on the necessary spare part needed.rn
• Service air conditioning, trouble shoot faults, repair and rechargernFreon gas / oil to our vehicles in order to keep them updated tornwinter and summer sessions in the region.rn
• Updating all vehicles as time changes and conduct manualrndownloads of last five minutes report before the accident from thernMCU PDU memory hard disc of the unit in accident vehicles plus thernentire data, print and hard it over to CTO for analysis.rn
• Analyzing the last five minutes reports before the accident to ourrnSIU officers in order for them to understand the occurrence of thernaccident in comparison with Driver statement report of thernaccident.rn• Briefing all our newly appointed CIV / Military Staffs about Fleetrnmanagement systems, driving safe as well as safety to our fleetrnvehicles.rn
• Prepare daily workshop activities report for both HQ and team siternvehicles Maintenance / Repairs and send it over to my supervisorrnand copy to all CIV / MIL MTO in different team sites.rn
• Coordinate workshop staffs / mechanics time to time when thernneed arises.rn
• Driven all types of vehicles ranging from four by fours heavyrncommercial vehicles and recovery trucks while recovering ourrnaccident vehicles.
• Installing, programming, calibrating and maintaining variousrnCarlogs versions ranging from FL01, FL02 GPS, FL03 GSM, FL04rnGPRS and Fuellogs in east and central Africa.rn
• Downloading five minutes report before the accident fromrnaccident vehicles in the entire clients and analyzing it to thernclient for them to understand the occurrence of the accident.rn
• Training newly recruited staff to become Carlog technician asrnthe company grows to cater for new cliental needs.rn
• Burning software in some units Carlogs and Fuellogs forrncompatibility with the customer requirements and additionalrnfeatures.rn
• Dispatching other technicians to different clients in the morningrnand pick them back after work hence issuing them with therncollect spare parts required for the repair.rn
• Market Fleet management systems in East and Central African.rn
• Worked under the contract of my company in different UnitedrnNations Missions as a Carlog technician as well as training theirrnStaffs mechanic how to install and maintain Carlog after myrndispatcher, such as United Nations Mission in Sudan and UnitedrnNations Mission in Iraq (Kuwait and Jordan).
• Installing, Maintaining FM200 Calibrating both Speed and Rpm.rnuploading new Driver IDs in the systems.rn
• Upgrading FM100 by burning Unit software to FM200 Plus.rnDownloading all the Units manually on daily basis and preparernIn the reports daily.rn
• Supervised all the Auto electrician, refrigeration and airrncondition technician and electronic technician in the workshoprnand counter check spares needed for the faults.rn
• Ordered new units / spare parts to repair the faulty ones
• Installation, programming, calibrating and maintaining variousrnCarlogs versions ranging from FL01, FL02 GPS, Fuellogs andrnsmart mile in East Africa.rn
• Burning software in some units Carlogs and Fuellogs forrncompatibility with the customer requirements and additionalrnfeatures.rn
• Downloading five minutes report before the accident fromrnaccident vehicles in the entire clients and analyzing it to thernclient for them to understand the occurrence of the accident.rn
• Dispatching other technicians to different client sites/locationsrnand picking them buck.rn
• I’ve been a company representative in Tanzania for 2 years inrnboth hardware and software as well as performing demos tornother customers.
• Performed and rectified various electrical problems in bothrnHeavy commercial to smaller vehicles i.e. charging systems,rnlighting system and starting circuit as well as repairing Statorrnmotors and Alternators.rn• Successfully performed complete wiring over haul in vehiclesrninvolved in accidents.rn
• Participated in various safari rallies as an Auto electricianrnservice crew.
Summary of Skills
- Safe Driving (2017)