General Information
- Language English and Swahili (fluent)
- Highest Degree Level BSC
- Total Year Experience 7 years
- Job Category Lab Technologists, ROWPU Technicians
- Expected Job Level Mid-level
- CV Upload Amos-C.V.doc21.docx
Passport Photo
- Travelers Passport Scan Amos-Nyamri-new-Passport.pdf
Am a kenya aged 38yrs. holding a valid passport, drivers license. Currently working with Dyncorp international as a water purification foreman. Have remarkable experience in water production/purification using the ROWPU system. Highly efficient in maintenance and operational.I hold a bachelors degree in lab science minor and chemistry. Have high understanding in water lab practices and testing. Experience of more 5 yrs in a war zone or dangerous environment.
Looking for a vacancy in any water discipline area.