Fuel Operator ShortList

General Information

  • Language English,Swahili
  • Highest Degree Level Certificate
  • Total Year Experience 12
  • Job Category  Operators
  • Expected Job Level Entry
  • CV Upload DAVID-MUGOYE.docx
  • Passport Photo
  • Travelers Passport Scan 1_my-passport.pdf

I am writing to express my keen interest in a vacancy in your organization. I am a qualified fuel operator with vast experience in bulk fuel handling, flight line fuel operations, FARP and retail operations, having worked as a fuel operator and flight line coordinator.

I would be an excellent choice for this position having worked in a war zone with different companies. I am a hardworking person who has the ability to handle responsibility and build positive relationships with my colleagues at all levels as stated in my resume.

I am confident and satisfied that my work rate and confidence can bring the same level of high performance to your company, beyond that which is already
mentioned in my attached resume. I feel certain that my skills coupled with my ability will be of immediate value to your company.


Yours Sincere,

David Mugoye


Work Experience

Dec 2015 – Sept 2017
Dyncorp InternationalFuel Operator

 Responsible to receive fuel, store and issue the product inrnaccordance withrnU.S. Army Standards and fuel testing manual in a fuel farm.


Perform cold refueling of military and civilian aircraftsrnusing the flight line tankers.


Gauging the fue lbags, fuel trucks and tanksrnto determine the fuel issued and fuel in hand.


 Performing daily PMCS on the equipment’s andrnfuel trucks to make sure they are operational.

Hot and cold refueling of military and civilianrnaircrafts at the Flight line and F.A.R.P .


 Responsible for daily quality control of product received and issued,rnthrough Aqua Glo,FSII,sediments,temperature,Densityrn,conductivity tests.


Responsible for appropriate storage, recording andrnreporting of any hazmat and waste fuel generated at the fuel farm.



Oct 2014 – Nov 2015
NCS FuelsInto Plane Operator

Uploadingrnof fuel trucks for flight line mission.


Refuelingrnof military and civilian aircrafts using the flight line tanker.


Accountingrnfor fuel issued on the flight line using the Varec hand held machine ( F.M.S).


Gaugingrnof fuel trucks to determine the fuel on hand.


Downloadingrnof fuel from fuel trucks into bulk storage tanks at the B.F.I.


Takingrnfuel samples from the tanks on a daily basis for quality checks and qualityrncontrol.


 Performingrndaily maintenance checks on the trucks, pipeline and pumps to make sure thatrnthey are in good working condition.


Keepingrna daily record of fuel issued and received on the proper company documents.


Responsible for appropriate storage, recording andrnreporting of any hazmat and waste fuel generated.



June 2012 – Aug 2014
Dyncorp InternationalFuel Operator

Responsible to receive fuel, store and issue the product inrnaccordance withrnU.S. Army Standards FM 10 67 -1, FM 10 67 – 2 and fuel testing manual MIL STD 3004 A in a fuel farm.


Perform cold refueling of military and civilian aircraftsrnusing the flight line tankers.


v  As a shift team leader I was responsible to supervise, fuel operators perform hot refueling on various types’ofmilitary and civilian aircrafts.


Covered the fuel dispatch office from time torntime in the absence of the dispatcher scheduling fuel deliveries for customers,rninvoicing and making a follow up on the deliveries.


Dispatching of Fuel Trucks for cold refuelingrnmissions in different ramps as requested by military and other customers tornrefuel different aircrafts.


Responsible for daily quality control of product received and issued,rnthrough Aqua Glo,FSII,sediments,temperature,Densityrn,conductivity tests.


 Responsible for appropriate storage, recording andrnreporting of any hazmat and waste fuel generated.


Performing daily PMCS on the equipment andrnfuel trucks to make sure they are operational.


 Be accountable for allrndaily fuels issued and received on the appropriate military form as requestedrnby the client (3643).


Organizing the working schedule for thernF.A.R.P and Flightline operators.


Gauging the fuel bags, fuel trucks and tanks torndetermine the fuel issued and fuel in hand.





April 2009 to May 2012
Supreme FuelsFuels Flight Line Coordinator

 Responsible to supervisernflight line operators perform cold refueling using the flight line tanker on various types of military helicopters and civilian aircrafts.


Responsible for daily control of productrnquality received and issued, through AquarnGlo.


Testing of fuel for Density, Conductivity, Temperature,rnFlash point, Visual Fuel Sampling and Additive testing using appropriate testingrntechniques.


 Responsible for appropriate storage, removal, recording andrnreporting of any hazmat and waste fuel generated.


 Required to performrnoperational maintenance & pre maintenance check service on all  fuel tanker trucks and relevant equipmentrn(filter separators, fuel pumps, storage tanks, Nozzles & strainers, fuelrnpressure gages, fuel meters, hoses, valves etc.), in accordance with US Armyrnstandards.


Processingrnjet fuel request for clients to ensure that deliveries are made on time.


Gauging the fuel tanks, fuel bags and fuelrntrucks to determine the fuel issued and fuel in hand.


Writing a daily report on the dailyrnoperations to the manager.


Be accountable for all daily fuels issued and received onrnthe appropriate military form as requested by the client (3643 Form).

May2004 –March 2009t
Kenya PipelineFuel Operator

Receiving of fuel through pipelines from thernmain receiving port of Mombasa. Planning, scheduling and processing fuel requestrnfrom clients to ensure that fuel is delivered on time.


Performing the daily minor maintenance checks onrnthe tanks and pipes to make sure there are no leaks or any damages.


Storing of fuel in bulk storage fuel tanks.


Makingrnsure that safety precautions are followed at all times and all operators havernthe correct personal protective equipment’s.


To ensure that the daily operations runrnsmoothly.


Uploading of fuel into tankers for dispatch tornvarious petrol stations.


Taking fuel samples from the tanks to the labrnfor daily testing on Fsii,flash point and aqua glow, conductivity andrntemperature.

Summary of Skills

I have a good experience in bulk fuel installation point operations,Fuels FARP operations and Fuels Flight Line Operations as well as OSHA safety certification

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Summary of skills


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LOCATION: Agip House, 1st Floor Wing B.
ADDRESS: P.O Box 44248 - 00100 Nairobi Kenya
CELL: +254 726 406 832 / +254 714 189 091
EMAIL: info@silverrayhr.com