githu mugwanja ShortList

General Information

  • Language english
  • Highest Degree Level bachelors computer science
  • Total Year Experience 3
  • Job Category  ICT Specialists
  • Expected Job Level Entry, Mid-level
  • CV Upload githu-michael-cv.docx
  • Passport Photo

I possess impeccable design and advanced computer skills especially in networking, cyber
security, software and hardware.
My attention to detail and excellent problem-solving skills ensure that every ICT troubleshooting
I work on is done accurately and to the highest possible standard. My verbal communication skills
and positive attitude makes me an effective communicator with my team members.
I look forward to the opportunity of discussing my application with you further


may 2011-may 2015
dedan kimathi universityBSC computer science lower division

please find supporting documents attached 

14th sep 2015-13th nov 2015
institute of advanced technologycertificate in oracle database administration

please find supporting documents attached 

Work Experience

march 2015-dec 2015
algomine tech limited programmer

please see attached CV

jan 2016- to date
gerry supplies ltdsales person

please see attached CV

Summary of Skills

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), oracle certified associate (OCA), computer programming (php, java, MySQL/SQL), computer hardware repair and maintenance, security, software installation and configuration, web development (Php, JavaScript, jQuery).

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Work experience
Summary of skills


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