General Information
- Language English, Kiswahil and Basic Arabic
- Highest Degree Level Only High School certificate
- Total Year Experience 16
- Job Category Food service, General Labour, Hospitality Staff, Laundry Attendants, Retail, Security Guards, Warehouse
- Expected Job Level Mid-level
- CV Upload New-Resume.docx, New-warehouse-resume.pdf.pdf
- Passport Photo
- Travelers Passport Scan passport-04-Aug-2018-23-06-15-Page-1.pdf
My first employment was in a Supermarket where i learned how to work with people from various region of my country and that gave me knowledge of customer care and service.
Later i joined textile company as a labourer and later i learnt how to operate stenter machine and i was promoted to assistant operater before i left to seek greener pasture in 2013.
- In June 2013, I got a job with a First Moving Consumer Goods company known as Mjengo Limited located at Thika town where I am currently working but still in search of greener pastures in any part of the world.
- The company deals in packing and supplying consumable goods such as rice, biscuits, cooking oil and many other product.
Work Experience
Resigned due to personal issues at home.