General Information
- Language ENLISH
- Highest Degree Level HIGH SCHOOL
- Total Year Experience 4
- Job Category Warehouse Staffs
- Expected Job Level Managerial
- CV Upload 1_Salim-Owiti-afghan1.docx
- Travelers Passport Scan Salim-Passport-Scan.pdf
I am an warehouseman/Material control specialist with 4 years eperience working in Materials Warehouse Tallil-Iraq, Kandahar-Afghanistan and Djibouti. I also have 22 years of Military experience. I attained a supervisory postion and in charge of Material section stores, in the Naval Base Establishment and retiered at a rank of Senior Sergeant.
I am comfortable working with uper level management and even in difficulty situations, I beleave in team work and extreamly to acheive the goal. I take pride of my performance as true professional and make effort to maintain the highest level of standard. I am skilled with computer system operations, MS word, MS office, MS excel, MS access and MS powerpoint. Customer service oriented, result focussed and work without supervision, I give first priority to safety and standard of operations. My educational qualification and experiences are detailed in the resume attached here to. I remain hoping that this application will meet your most favourable consideraion.
Thank you in advance.
Salim O. Owiti