Wycliffe Masinde CV ShortList


General Information

I am a graduate in Applied Statistics (Actuarial Science) from Maseno University and currently pursuing a Masters degree in Finance at the University of Nairobi. I have worked in the field of market and field research for over 5 years in various capacities at TNS and IPSOS/Synovate beginning with field interviewer, data entry clerk, data analyst, supervisor; field and data analysis and currently, a consultant in research. I have also worked in the investment banking field for 6 years, having begun at Kestrel Capital (EA) as an analyst in research and corporate finance in addition to client service. I later joined Dyer and Blair Investment Bank as head of research.


Maseno UniversityBsc (Applied Statistics) Actuarial Science Option
  1. Demography
  2. Data Analysis
  3. Economic Statistics
  4. Actuarial Science

Work Experience

2013- To Date
Sell EmployedConsultant in Research and Investments

Consultancyrnin research in areas of investment research and advisory, market and field workrnresearch, customer satisfaction surveys, feasibility studies, monitoring andrnevaluation and data analysis (SPSS & STATA)

Dyer and Blair INvestment Bank/Kestrel Capital (EA)Investment Analyst

Investment Research,rnClient Relations and Corporate Advisory.

IPSOS/SynovateData Analyst

 Electronicrnediting and analysis of data


 Preparingrnpresentations based on research findings


 Designing data entry masks, preparing data cleaning filesrnin Quantum and SPSS


 Data analysis using Excel, Quantum, SPSS, STATArnand Quanvert


 Proposal & Report writing, Questionnaire design andrnPresentation of research findings


Summary of Skills

Statistics, Market Research, Data Analysis, Investment Banking

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